Following my Path

17ccaf8c9addb2d69bcd3e28220343c6I am experiencing some kind of shift. Six weeks ago I had a health challenge and ever since I feel a need to change my life; not sure exactly what that means. Everyday new plans are made  to let go of things, and people and hobbies that have been a part of my life. Time alone is now seen as a gift to choose to reconnect with my spirit self instead of seeing it as me being lonely.Very Freeing!! |Suddenly I am guided to take a course in plant base eating; then my daughter introduces me to Taoism; I suddenly don’t need to spend time with a certain person who has not treated me respectfully. My art work has now been put at rest for who knows how long??? I am suddenly at peace with doing or not doing healing work.

Today I decided to blog without pressuring myself in any way; nor feeling like I must get this blog written. My closet which is long overdue for a huge de cluttering is suddenly calling my name. It feels very freeing to be in this space of non resistance and yet everything is changing and what is getting done is just happening and the rest is falling away. I am Grateful!

P.S. I watched Wayne Dyer’s you tube movie called The Shift. It was inspiring beyond words. It just came to me……..I did not strive to find it. I am on my way to arriving home to  myself!! Peace is flowing!  Grateful!

Allowing ourselves to Receive

For the last twenty years I have been on a spiritual journey. For me that meant to learn all I could about who I am, what my purpose here is, and how I can serve others. I believe that we are all Spiritual beings having a Physical experience.

After I had done  a lot of research and study to learn different methods of healing, I  became a Reiki Master, learned Acupressure, how to do Pattern work, studied Access Consciousness and other modalities of healing. I was very focus on not only sending Love and Compassion to everyone, but choosing to ‘Be Love and Compassion’. That meant I was a being that radiated Love as I met people walking down the street, heard of some disaster somewhere in the world,or when I saw someone suffering or even being Joyful. I was all about being the Change that I wanted to see in the World. Once I was in a hospital with a family member. We waited for hours in the E.R. I witnessed a lot of people coming and going that were very ill. I made a conscious effort to smile at the patients, their family members, the staff etc. I wanted to bring some loving energy in to these situations.Just that Smile was powerful medicine; remembering the we all smile in the same language.

All these years I was learning to Love myself first. I did grow in that area a little at a time. My barometer for knowing that, was that I choose to leave unhealthy relationships; Be it with a partner, friend or coworker. I also did other Self Care things like taking care of my body in various ways, I exercised and ate well.

The area that I seem to struggle with is to have Compassion, Forgiveness,and Acceptance for myself. I am aware that I now choose to give myself those soul qualities. I so easily give others. As we experience life, we will probably always have areas that we feel we would have,should have, could have done some things differently. I now choose to see my life experiences as just that…..experiences. Let go of the judgement, guilt and regret. One very effective way of doing this is by being aware of my self talk, that inner critic that comes from Fear based Ego. Hear it, send your ego Love and Compassion and  let the negative comments just pass on by. Don’t hook in.

I had a few session with a healer who suggested that I still had not learned to receive completely. I was still consumed with giving Love, Compassion and Service  to everyone else but still out of balance with giving these to myself. I knew that I have friends  and family that love me, however my ability to Give and to Receive were still out of balance.

I believe that to truly love others we must start with ourselves. I have grown a lot in this area of self love, however I am becoming more aware of the fact that I still have many areas in which I would benefit by allowing myself to receive more.

Energy follows intention! My intentions now are to see myself being a magnet for receiving. Stating out loud that I choose to receive. Now when I choose to be Love or to send Love to anyone else, I first make the choice to open myself up to receiving first. I am sure it is very healthy for my heart, and my whole body and soul.

I mentioned that I have changed my way of dealing with relationships. Now if someone is disrespectful or dishonest,I ask them to have “The talk”! That is ,let’s talk about this. If the  behavior continues I let these people go with Love… No Judgement.

Saying NO when I mean no and saying Yes when I mean yes. These are very useful tool in self love;having the courage to be honest with others about what works in my best interest and what does not.

I want to be very clear. When you are a mother or a caregiver, I am aware that there will be times when you must put your needs aside to help another. However if this is a chronic way of life your will burn out and have nothing to give anyone.

Studying all about codependency has also been a wake up call for me. I have learnt that Self Care is to teach others what I am able to teach but Not do for someone what they are quite capable of doing for themselves. You are then also serving that other person by allowing them to learn how to thrive on their own.

Also I encourage others that do healing work ,to go themselves for a Reiki session, or go for that massage etc. I am learning to do that myself more and more. This is good advice for anyone.

The long and short of it is for us to receive more Abundance94e489e10b35f57c58f3a14c9f159311 in all areas of life we must love ourselves enough to allow the Universe to bring this Abundance to us.

Today, my Affirmations are;

“My Heart beats to the rhythm of love for myself and for the world.”

“I am open to receive Joy in the very center of my Being.”

“My best Self Care is Loving myself first”.

“I choose to Give and Receive in Balance”

Be open to receiving with Gratitude,   xo Claudette